Friday, January 21, 2011

Fun Facts

The Taj Mahal was orignally called the Rauza-I Munavvara which means “Tomb of Light.”

William Wrigley originally started in the baking powder business. With his powder, he gave a free pack of his gum. He later abandoned the baking powder business when he learned that people were buying it just to get the gum.

The first African-American to play quarterback in an NFL game was the appropriately-named Willie Thrower in 1953.

Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura was born James George Janos.

There is only one president who was a bachelor, James Buchanan.

-40 degrees Fahrenheit and -40 degrees Celsius are identical. That’s the point at which both temperature scales converge.

Crayola means “oily chalk.” The name is derived from the French words “craie”, or “chalk,” and “ola,” an abbreviation for “oleaginous,” or “oily.”

Contrary to popular belief, most med school grads do not have to take the Hippocratic oath. But it’s probably best your doctor doesn’t believe in everything the oath entails, which includes swearing your skills on the god Apollo and promising never to share any of your medical knowledge with anyone (even patients).

Al Gore and actor Tommy Lee Jones were college roommates.

While some think Hydrox cookies were an Oreo knock-off, Hydrox actually came first—in 1908, four years before the Oreo

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