Saturday, November 21, 2009


Turkey Hunters' Tale
Tommy and Billy were discussing their latest turkey shoot.  Tommy
says emphatically, "I'm never going to take my life Laura shooting
with me ever again, Billy!"

"That bad, eh?" enquires Billy smiling.

"Yeah, Laura did everything wrong, got nothing right.  She chattered
too much, constantly disturbed the undergorth, loaded the wrong
gauge shot int he gun, used the wrong luring whistles and worst of all,"
bellows Tommy "she shot more turkeys than me!"

Six Legged Turkey
An industrious turkey farmer was always experimenting with
breeding; his mission was to produce the perfect turkey.  His family
was fond of the leg portion for dinner and there were never enough
legs for everyone.

The farmer even tried breeding turkeys with other animals.  After
many frustrating attempts, the farmer related to his friend Zeb the
results of his latest experiment, which involved introducing octopus
genes into a turkey.

"Well I finally did it!  I bred a turkey that has six legs!" said the
farmer.  Zeb could not resist inquiring, "how did the turkey meat

"I don't know," said the farmer, "I haven't caught the bird yet!"

Turkey Tight End?
A professional NFL team, the Philadelphia Eangles, had just
finished their daily practice session when a large turkey came
strutting onto the field.  While the players gazed in amazement,
the turkey walked up to the head coach and demanded to be
given a chance to play at tight end.

Everyone stared in silence as the turkey caught pass after
pass and ran right through the defensive line.  When the turkey
returned to the sidelines, the coach shouted, "You're superb.
Sign up for the season, and I'll see to it that you get a huge

"Forget the bonus,"  replied the turkey,  "What I want to know
is, does your season go past Thanksgiving Day?

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